Friday, March 26, 2010

Tales of Alex and the Space Exploring Dinosaur- Chapter 2: The Dark Side of the Moon

"Alex wonders to himself , "Wow, the moon looks so beautiful, even though it has a feel of destroyed beauty with its craters, mountains, I could imagine being lost wonderfully in this serene and lonely world". Suddenly Sam turns to him and asks "Who said its lonely?". Stunned for a minute, Alex can't believe firstly that Sam just read his minds and secondly What did he mean We're not lonely. He wonders, what sort of dinosaur is this. His teacher never mentioned that they travelled Space, neither did she say about any speaking legibly and also Dinosaurs are meant to be extinct. Though he was glad Sam wasn't.

Even though Alex's mind were filled with questions and a bit of frustration, he was more occupied by the fact that he was on the moon. The moon where rockets go to with their astronauts and he had reached it within minutes. He couldn't help but being a bit smug. The moon he wished upon every night. As a kid, his grandmother used to tell him stories about the moon, about how it grants wishes and is always present to talk to. So every night before he slept, he used to pray to Moon asking for a companion, a friend who would be with him no matter what and take on adventures into the unknown worlds he dreamt of.

Sam looks at Alex and asks him "Do you want to know, who else is among us?". Alex, though reluctant to find out, grudgingly replies "OK". So Sam tells him a tale of 2 friends, "Have you ever wondered where music came from. Well, long ago there was a civilization of Creatures which ruled the moon. Their form of expression was music. So if someone wanted to cry they would sing "Let it Be", if they were happy it would be "Strawberry Fields Forever", and hence music was created. The kingdom was ruled by 2 leaders, Floyd and Pink. At some point, for certain reasons they had a falling apart. Floyd wanted to play the guitar all day, while Pink wanted to write lyrics. Because they couldn't agree on it, music began crumbling and the civilization slowly start dying out.  And in their desperation they send a record to planet Earth hoping to keep music alive. And this is why the first record of True music on the earth is called The Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd." Alex, while perplexed at the story, can't help asking "Why you telling me this?". Sam, takes a minutes and tells him "I will tell you in some time, lets walk on".

Alex, looks across, how gently Sam's step are. He thought the earth, or rather the moon would shatter every time Sam took a step. He also didn't know that dinosaurs had a pleasant expression, especially seeing those jaws. But Alex trusted Sam, it was if he had met him in a previous life and were best of friends. But yet he couldn't place it where. As they passed, a huge crater, Alex sees fossils of guitars and bricks. He wondered what it was all about. He looks up to Sam and asks, "Why are there remains of guitars and that of a wall here?". Sam looks at him and smiles, and gestures in a direction and what Alex sees next amazes him.

2 creatures, one shaped in the form a guitar and another shaped in the form of wall, arguing with each other. Those must be Floyd and Pink.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tales of Alex and the Space Exploring Dinosaur- Chapter 1

Alex hardly had any friends growing up and he was the 10th kid of about 20 kids in his family. While being among his family gave him some amount of happiness, he always knew that he could truly never relate with them, not because of who they were but rather because of who he was. His life would always be about fantasies, dreams, and imaginations, lively yet unrealistic folk stories.

When he was 8, he went to the Dinosaur Exhibit at the local museum. While where he grew up there were no dinosaurs fossils and people probably never had heard of one, Alex for some reasons was extremely excited at the prospect. And surely enough the trip to the museum piqued his interests greatly in dinosaurs. Was it the magnificent height and structure of the skeletons, or was it the vivid stories the guide gave on how dinosaurs lived, and how they ruled the earth gazillion years ago, it was clear that Alex would give anything to go back in time to see these beautiful creatures . He was especially in love with the T-Rex, he would dream of being able to roam and scare everyone with it's scary and fearsome tooth. The only thing, he could closely recreate in life was its thunderous roar, which he would obligatory roar at every lunch break in school. The kids at first glance figured he had a nut loose and began making fun of him.But a sympathetic teacher understood his idiosyncrasy and took special interest him and shared with him all the books on dinosaurs she had being fascinated by as a kid.

One night, deep in his sleep he was woken up by roar outside his bedroom window. For a minute he thought it might have been a dream like the ones he had been having for the past few weeks and decided to go back to bed. But again, he heard a roar.He was tensed but yet curiously peeked outside his window. And wow, there stood a beautiful yet scary T-Rex Dinosaur. Alex couldn't believe his eyes, he pinched himself, gave himself a knock on the head and threw water on himself, but yet the creature still remained. Clearly this musn't be a dream and then to make things even weirder, it spoke, "Hello Alex, I'm Sam, the space exploring Dinosaur"...Shell shocked, Alex didn't speak a word. Alex was a very quiet kid and rarely spoke up even when he was excited. So he kept quiet hoping Sam would speak for him. Then Sam asked, "Do you want to see the moon? I can get you there in a few minutes". Alex was beyond belief and without uttering a single word he just nodded in agreement and grabbed his camera to ensure that in the morning he had proof to show his siblings.

Samuel takes Alex slowly in his claws, Alex can't help getting scarred thinking that those very claw have eaten so many creatures. Surely he couldn't be another. Samuel gently places him on his back and asks him to hold on. And they're off. As they blast off, he can see his house, the local tea shop, the ground where he plays every weekend, then he sees the bridge he takes every day to go to school and suddenly he sees his school, it looks so green from up above. He is so excited at the prospect of flying. Then he sees India, next to it Sri Lanka and miles and miles of beautiful blue oceans. The oceans sparkles like one of the diamonds he sees the rich lady next-door wears, except the ocean is a lot nicer and prettier.

Samuel asks him, how he finds the trip. He wants to tell him its unbelievable, breathtaking, and that he saw all cars driving up an downs the streets, that he thought all the houses looked like cardboard boxes from up above, yet all he tells him is "It's Ok, thank you". The kid despite wanting to tell so much more is scared to talk more, but yet he does tell him a "Thank You" because he realizes that Samuel made his dream come true, Being with a dinosaur and exploring the supernova. He wants to ask him so much, who he is, what he does, how does he live, he can't wait to know everything. He is bloody excited, and then Samuel tells him to look out and see what is on the horizon. He looks up, he sees the beautiful blue moon. He has seen them through Anand’s telescope and imagined of how the craters on the moon were actually Dinosaur footsteps. And now he can't believe that it might be actually true. He can't wait to get to the moon, and drive the moon rover.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I Promise!!!!!

I promise, this is my final and uninterrupted entry into the blogging world. While, you "eagerly" await my return, enjoy some of my older entries from my older and aborted blogs. Hopefully the coming days should show a return of form for me in more than one ways...

My Strange Birthday Circa 2008 :)

On Saturday was my birthday and probably one of the strangest and most uneventful days in my short 24 years. Firstly this was my 1st birthday in the US. So there was this thing about it turning the 16th in India, while the US lagged about by 10 and half hours. So I wasn't sure if it's my birthday yet or not. And that felt stranger than you think. People started wishing and stuff and that was eerie you've to say.

Then came the fact that I spent this birthday alone. There was no party, no cake cutting or the other things that filled my previous birthdays. If you know me well, you'll know I love my birthday and I get excited like no other day on my birthday. It's the day people wish me and more importantly give me gifts.hehe.I'm the king for the day. I remember sometime in my schoold days I wasn't well on the eve of my birthday and my mom suggested that I take the day off. If it was any other day I would've done it with glee and happiness but that day I was like "Nooooooooooooooo"...and I started doing some exercises to get over my sickness(god only knows why) and by the will of the mind I got well and went to school and became the hero of the class(for a day) and was soooo happy. Even in my 11th and 12th I wanted to wear "color" dress to school. Hehe..silly me..

So this birthday I woke up late, didn't even want to wake up. I don't know why. And took my time, had a nice breakfast. Read up stuff, called up a few people in India and then sent a few mails here and there and finally moved myself and went to a restaurant. Bought myself a nice meal and nice cold beer. And then went to the ice cream place and had some ice cream. After that I indulged myself in shopping and loafed around the place. It was strange thinking that there was no one tocelebrate my birthday with, at least the ones that I wanted to with...And as I was walking home I felt so sad thinking of my old days and realized that I would never have those fun and frolic filled moments of my younger days ever again.While I realize that the next year I might be surrounded by new friends and surroundings and maybe I will have a blast. Yet somehow the day that I got a year older filled me with sadness of no more "hero of the day" birthdays rather than the idea of getting old...Cheerio and the 24 year old club

Growing up..According to me Few Years ago

When you're young, you sit and wonder I cant wait to be old and to have this or do this or that and then you get old and you hope that you can be young again to not to do the things that you do today or to have this or that. The big difference in both the thoughts is that, in the former it will inevitably come while in the latter it will never be ever again be a part of your life. And it is that thought that I somehow can never escape and will escape I guess..

Recently I went back to school, went around 4-5, knowing none of the teachers would be around. Just wanted to be around the place, revisit all memories. God I miss them so much, that somedays I just wish that I could somehow get out of the life that I live today. I know its foolish and that those days are gone and will never be back. But as I stood through the corridors of my school, at the doors, the playgrounds, the classrooms, the blackboards, benches(Infact one of the benches, still had the remains of some of the art work we had done), you just couldn't help feeling at that moment that you're stuck in a place which you want, buy you won't get, you won't live again here

But then if everything is black or white, things would've been soo much more simpler in life, wouldn't it. But unfortunately it isn't. All you can do is rememember those memories, yes you've to move on and I will as everyone does. Live today, dream about tommorrow and nostalgicaly think about yesterday.

There are no solutions here, neither are there any problems, just an nostalgic guy..who seems to take forever to get over them...

Want to trade Hell for Heaven?

If everyone wants to go to heaven, why is everyone afraid of death!!!!

I sometimes think, what lies ahead. After today, after tommorrow and sometimes maybe even after death. Death is inevitable, but its amazing that we go on. We know that we're fragile, that it takes nothing to end anyone life. Funny. We build mansions, buy fancy cars, want to've huge bank balances, but the moment you die, does it matter. Whether you're poor or rich, you've to die and go wherever is that you're headed without what you've bought/stolen or earned. And despite all this we still keep on going, keep on living. Is it because we realise that there is life beyond today or tommorrow. Or is it because we don't think all that much in the 1st place to be bothered about things like that. I don't know.

But I know, we all want to live and would take every single chance to live it, every single chance to hang on to it. I don't know what lies ahead, somedays at night I sit and wonder all this. Where does this road lead to, after all, there is a destination. I wonder If I'll be rich, if I'll marry the girl I love, if I would've kids, If I'll be somebody tommorrow, and then I wonder what after all this ends... What after it..What??

My friends tells me that there has to be more to life, that even after death there has to be something, otherwise its a pointless life. But I'm a skeptic of that view, not because I don't want it to happen, but because How can we be sure? Could this just be a joke, yeah you live and then you die and thats it. Goodbye..finito..What if, this is a test, only those who clear this round make it to the next...Our entires life is based on this idea, Survive, live on..move on...And what if at the final step, its an deadend...No More!!!!!!!!! What if??

I wonder....And thats the beauty of life...Like Sting once said, the only thing certain in life is death!!!!

Till then...Live On!!!!!!!!

Doing the right thing...

Its funny.. We always know what the right thing is, but we seldom do it...

Today evening, I was out on Brigade Road, was about to head back home. Then I thought, why not go to the pub & have some beer and head back home. Then I thought I should curb on having beer, so I thought I would get to Corner House and have one of their delicious Ice Cream. But then I thought I should cut down on my ice cream. For nearly twenty minutes, I was in dilemma, I knew doing that I would regret it, but somehow the temptation was a bit too much. I didnt know what to do, whether to go to Corner House or go to Pub World or just head back home. Even though I knew that doing any of that wouldn't be good, I still wanted to. Even though I knew this, I still was in a dilemma. Luckily for me I decided against either and headed back home and wrote this blog..

But very often most of us dont do that. We do the wrong things even though we know we shouldn't. We always believe tomorrow will be the day when we set things set right, but never does tomorrow turn up. Its about now or never. And that is the Right Choice...You Hate it but you know its right...If you're able to listen to it, well and good...If you can't, try to once in a while, you'll be more happier, maybe not that moment but a later stage down the road

Love of a liftetime

This is an Old poem i wrote a really long time back,yeah back then i was lonely.Not anymore:)

A Love of a lifetime

she said she wanted to go for a walk
and that she would be back soon
how was i suppossed to know that she would never return

i searched the whole city,couldn't find a breath of her
dissappeared with out a trace
stood,sat and slept at the door
expecting her to come back
but nothing came

a few days later i hear she is a million miles away
and that she never wanted to see me,
or hear me
and even take a look at me

maybe she found someone better,maybe she found her life empty
maybe i wasn't enough
maybe i was rude to her and didn't give her space

alcoholism and drugs seemed to be my relief for a while
when it didn't work,more alcohol and drugs followed
soon i realised that these couldn't heal the pain

tried to satisfy my emptiness with other girls
but each and every time,every face became her face
i couldn't let go,

days and nights passed with no notice
some times,the days and nights couldn't be seperated
they longer didn't matter to me,
my only shining light disappeared forever
there was darkness where once a light shone

my thoughts were flooded with those days
where we would stare at each other's eyes and could see things we could never explain
days where we could talk for hours and never be bored
the days when i would walk with her,talk with her,go out with her
walking through the pathways,holding hands
somedays we would hike on the hills
and share those moments together

oh,times have passed
and still everday i can feel her embrace
20 yrs could have passed since that faithfull day,but it seems like only yesterday
by chance,for the 1st time in 2 decades i saw her
and she looked at me and i looked at her
and i could see no ring on her finger
and there was no ring on my finger

I looked at her and asked her one word "why?"
and she starred at me and said
"i couldn't accept that i loved you
i couldn't and so that's why i walked away
and i could never love anybody else"

shocked and dazed,i walked away
